Sportsmen's Marathon Team

Meet the Sportsmen’s Marathon Team

Congratulations to the 2024 Inaugural Sportsmen’s Boston Marathon Team!
We look forward to cheering you on in April!

Scott Babka

What do you do with your day? Are you employed, a student, retired?
I am the CFO and a board member of One Mighty Mill. We are making healthy and nutritious bagels, breads, and tortillas made from stone-milled organic flour. When I’m not working I’m typically out driving my kids to tennis or skating practice.

How long have you been running?
Most of my life. But I started running marathons upon my 40th birthday. Maybe by 70 I can make a qualifying time for the Boston Marathon.

What made you want to run for Sportsmen’s (STEC)?
All the free gear! But seriously, Sportmen’s is an incredible organization that serves the local community is so many ways that most Bostonians don’t know about yet. I want to run to bring awareness to our mission. Did you know we are starting a $12M capital campaign?

If you could time travel back anywhere – where would it be? And why?
New York 2003. That was the year I got married to my wife Alison and being late 20s in New York was a blast. Also, I was a media analyst then and would have done everything in my power to make sure The Apprentice was never greenlit. The world would be a better place.

Who is your favorite athlete of all time? And why are they your favorite?
Nadal. No one competes harder, nor has been so successful yet so humble.

If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be? And why?
Harrison Ford as a birthday present to my wife.

Why should someone support your run?
I’m going to show true grit for 26.2 miles and will not be able to walk correctly for about 2 weeks after.

Anything interesting about yourself you wish to share?
I’m co-chairing Sportsmen’s Capital Campaign with my wife Alison. Please reach out if you want to help us make a real impact on the community in the Blue Hills Corridor.