Women’s History Month is about celebrating women’s contributions to our society, past, and present; honoring their strength and vision, and laying the foundation for the future. All month long, we will celebrate our incredible leaders doing amazing work at the ATA, #LeadingTheATA.
This week, we would like to honor Toni Wiley. As CEO of the Sportsmen’s Tennis & Enrichment Center, Toni works tirelessly to create opportunities for disadvantaged and overlooked individuals and communities through tennis. Sportsmen offers free and low-cost tennis, academics, and life skills programming to more than 5,000 youngsters annually, with many pioneering programs and partnerships on and off its indoor and outdoor courts. In 2019, Toni received USTA’s highest honors, the Eve F. Kraft Community Service Award.
Thank you, Toni, for sharing your invaluable talents and leadership acumen with the ATA. You have assisted in shaping the ATA for the future while inspiring all of us.