These informative discussions are FREE and are currently being held for a virtual audience only.

Questions? Contact Mandy Bass, RN, MS Program Director at 617.288.9092

From TMI to FYI:
HIV, STI’s and Infection Prevention

Led by: Emily Moore, MD
Internal Medicine, BWH

December 2, 2021

Conversations about sex are sometimes uncomfortable, and it might be even more difficult to talk to your partner or loved on about sexually transmitted diseases. However, it’s important for your own peace of mind and to keep each other safe, so chances are good that your partner will be glad you brought it up. This video shares common sexually transmitted infections, treatment options, how to protect yourself, and how to talk to your partner.

Speaker, Emily Moore, MD, leads an empowering conversation about how to share, why you should share, and what to say about sexually transmitted infections. Grab some tips along the way to either start the conversation or help a friend start the conversation. The more we know, we can start to break the chain of infection. Presented by the Center for Community Wellness at Sportsmen’s –

Emily Moore, MD

Internal Medicine, BWH