Martin Luther King JrPlease join us Monday, January 21st at Sportsmen’s as we pay tribute to one of America’s great leaders, enjoy a luncheon, and play a round-robin tennis tournament!!

You may indicate a Junior with whom you’d like to compete, or let us match you up with a partner!

Register by Sunday 1/20/19 @ 6pm.

Red & Green Ball Competitors: $10
Junior Clinic Players: $20
Adults: $35

All prices include a sandwich buffet lunch.
Luncheon for spectators: $10

Please RSVP Gayna Sealy at


Our Juniors in both The Learning Center and our Junior Tennis Clinics are preparing to welcome you to our annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Annual Luncheon and Tournament.

8:00 am   Red & Orange Ball Play Day
10:30 am   Remembrance Presentation by The Learning Center at Sportsmen’s
11:15 am   Luncheon & Adult/Junior Tournament Check-in
12:30 pm   Tribute Tournament
3:00 pm   Announcement of Winners
3:30 pm   Closing